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Kitty S Dale - Artist


My fascination with the use of subjectivity within art started with attempts at using the un-conscious mind to create the image rather than making conscious decisions and choices myself. After researching this subject I came across George Brecht’s booklet ‘Chance Imagery’ and I then attempted to create art based entirely on chance and random occurrences.
Rolling the dice to determine colour choices, positioning of lines and even construction of a piece of sculpture, placed me on a journey that I didn’t yet see the destination of as I began. I just knew I wanted to get there and am often pleasantly surprised at the results.

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  • Kitty S Dale.Elimination of Subjectivity 2: Rolls of Chance (2019). Different coloured sqaures with different coloured dice
  • Kitty S Dale.Elimination of Subjectivity 1: Burst Balloons and Seed Beads (2019) 6 small canvas with random beads in pastel colours
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